Happiness Is a Choice

Written by Cecilia Yu

A white woman dressed in a light coat, pants and boots standing under fall trees. She is throwing yellow fallen leaves into the air and she is smiling.

Every day is a choice to be happy. For I never want to let happiness happen by accident. Leave happiness to the roll of a dice, what are the odds?

Happiness, I want it to be intentional day to day. Not left to the arbitrary wind. Giving me only a breeze, a glimmer of hope when it happens to be near, or I am passing by. Happiness, intentional, need not cost even a spare coin. Intentional, I include it in my day. In my breath. In my walks.

Sunny or cloudy. Rainy or stormy. I steep and sip my tea, cradling a warm, soothing amount within my throat. I savor the dark chocolate melting, filling the crevasses of my tastebuds. I gather and cuddle with my kids, stroking the tenderness of their cheeks.

I curl into a fetal position under my blanket, dozing off into the wonders of what ifs, even if for just a cat nap’s length. I curate a care package of knickknacks, assuring my friend she is loved and better days are here.

I read and frame book excerpts, reminding myself of my worth and paths that can be taken. I walk through that forest trail, never with a destination intent but simply to walk and feel my breath. I sit with the silence of silence so that I can hear the answers that have always been there.

Piece by piece, moment by moment, I choose happy. For it is never an accident, never to be left to chance, the roll of a dice.

Photos from Canva.

About the Author

Cecilia Yu is a self-compassion enthusiast and coach. Certified in Integrative Nutrition Coaching, Culinary Nutrition, Goddess Yoga and Women’s Circle Leadership, Cecilia empowers mommies and their loved ones to lead a healthy, soulful life through anti-inflammatory dietary lifestyle, meditations, yoga, journaling, and her Self-Compassion Circles for Moms. For inspiration, follow her on @CeciliaADoseofVitaminL (FB/IG).