Call for Volunteers


Want to have fun, work together with other great parents, brush up on your professional skills, and do something for the BAMBI community? This is your chance.


BAMBI is run by a group of lovely and dedicated volunteers, and from time to time, a number of critical roles need to be filled to ensure ongoing service to our members. BAMBI is a fun and welcoming community of like-minded parents trying to support and improve the parenting experience for all families in Bangkok. If you have some time and passion to spare, come and join us. To apply or if you have any questions about these volunteer opportunities, please email, detailing which position(s) you are interested in. Please note that as per BAMBI constitution, interested candidates are required to have an active membership at the time of applying.


The following opportunities are currently available:



The chair is our CEO, our liaison with CBFT and other volunteer groups in Bangkok, and acts as BAMBI’s official representative in the wider community.


Responsibilities & duties

  • coordinates the work of the committee and chairs the monthly committee meetings
  • prepares annual reports for the AGM and CBFT
  • together with the treasurer, sets the budget for each area of BAMBI
  • responsible for recruiting new volunteers and is the first contact for new people interested in volunteering
  • writes a bi-monthly column for the magazine
  • ensures compliance with accounting/bookkeeping




The events coordinator attends monthly committee meetings as a voting member and organizes and coordinates BAMBI’s parties and events.


Responsibilities & duties

  • coordinates the planning and delivery of BAMBI’s large events such as our splash party and Halloween party. This includes sponsor solicitation, setting-up and tidying up before and after the events, organizing volunteers to help during the event, and organizing kids’ activities and food vendors.
  • organizes internal team events



The new members coordinator attends monthly committee meetings as a voting member, and is the person responsible for welcoming and introducing BAMBI members and their families to the community.


Responsibilities & duties

  • arranges monthly New Members’ Coffee Mornings (one weekday morning per month)
  • arranges Pop Up Playgroups (usually one Saturday morning per month for 2–3 hours)
  • maintains liaison with schools and other venues via email and site visits to arrange and host New Members’ Coffee Mornings and Pop Up Playgroups



The activities coordinator attends monthly committee meetings as a voting member and is responsible for organizing and managing activities for older children between the ages of three and six.


Responsibilities & duties

  • plans and organizes profitable activities in coordination with venues and instructors
  • ensures all activities are running to BAMBI standards
  • recruits and trains activity leaders to assist in the management of activities and activity bookings
  • steps in to support the running of an activity on the day if needed



The BAMBI photographer works with other members of the team under the direction of the editor to take clear, dynamic photos at BAMBI events and activities as well as the cover images for BAMBI Magazine.


Responsibilities & duties

  • maintains clear communications with the editor (and other members of the BAMBI committee as appropriate) to comprehend assignment guidelines and for timely delivery of photographs that comply with them
  • assists the editor and cover models in setting up time and location for cover photoshoots and manages the session on the day of the shoot
  • edits and retouches images as appropriate and archives them in appropriate folders on the BAMBI Google Drive


*Interested candidates must have their own photography equipment, knowledge of photography techniques and an eye for detail, color, and form.



Our assistant editors work remotely to revise articles following editorial guidelines to ensure that the magazine is free of inconsistencies and errors.


Responsibilities & duties

  • completes copyediting and proofreading tasks; occasional writing tasks
  • attends occasional team meetings
  • must possess a great level of English, an eye for detail, and the ability to work to deadlines



Assists the Media Coordinator in social media marketing and management of BAMBI’s Facebook page and enquiries on messenger. Liaises with other BAMBI departments to ensure timely promotion of BAMBI playgroups and events across social media, BAMBI website, and e-newsletter.



Supports the Database Coordinator to ensure that the online database is maintained and membership details are up to date. Helps to manage online membership applications and related admin. In addition to coordinating with BAMBI teams to provide up-to-date membership information.



The BAMBI playgroup leader runs a weekly “free-play” playgroup. Positions are available at various locations throughout in Sathorn and Silom for the British Club and the new Kiddiezilla playgroup.


Responsibilities & duties

  1. attends and manages the playgroup: collects entrance donations, welcomes new and current members
  2. takes photos of the playgroup for BAMBI Magazine
  3. can voluntarily introduce circle time or short activities to their playgroup at their own discretion