BAMBI News September 2020

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Dear members,

Welcome to the September issue. I hope that by the time you receive this issue, the extremely long break from school is over. I’ve found it challenging to keep the kids and myself interested and motivated during these long months of social distancing. It takes a lot of creativity some days to keep the kids interested and occupied, and to minimise screen time. 

I am grateful that we have been fortunate in Thailand to be able to leave the house and travel domestically. During this summer break, we have been lucky enough to travel to beach areas. It is nice to get away from the city and be amongst nature for a while. 

As we are all getting settled into the “new normal” and rhythm of our daily life once again, BAMBI is also doing the same. Even though it’s been challenging to ensure that attendees to our playgroups and activities adhere to the government rules and restrictions, we have managed to reopen and keep open some of our playgroups. BAMBI committee would like to thank our volunteers for donating their time to ensure we can reopen our playgroups and activities.  We also thank members for complying and making the job of our unpaid volunteers easier. BAMBI has welcomed more new faces to the committee and we have fresh ideas. As we slowly reopen, we will be looking at ways to meet the needs and interests of our current members more creatively. We plan to strategise practical ways to make these new ideas and goals possible in current circumstances. It’s a very exciting time for BAMBI and the future. 

Bao Minh Lam
Media Coordinator

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