BAMBI News September 2019

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This month we are taking the opportunity to update you all on some important changes in BAMBI. After just over two years at the helm of BAMBI Emma McNerlin and Akiko Cayne expressed their intention to step down as Vice-Chairwoman and Chairwoman of BAMBI. Emma and Akiko have been involved as BAMBI volunteers for four years and nine years, respectively. We are incredibly proud of the achievements of the whole BAMBI team over the past two years; which has seen us launch new services, expand existing ones, and bring our new website live. The BAMBI community has also grown to over 1,000 members. None of this would have been possible were it not for the dedicated effort of the BAMBI volunteer team. 

BAMBI is an entirely volunteer-run project, which has served families in Bangkok since 1982. However, due to relocation and changing commitments, several key voting positions within the BAMBI committee are vacant, and despite actively recruiting in our magazine and online, we have not been able to fill them thus far. If BAMBI cannot fill these key positions soon, our services may be affected, and the future of BAMBI may be at risk. 

While there is no monetary remuneration for joining the BAMBI team, it is an excellent opportunity to use your skills and experience to support the local and expat community and also to work with the best team of volunteers. Full training is provided, and many of the Committee Posts are supported by deputy positions, to spread the workload. If you would like to join the team, please see page 35 for the available positions. We would especially welcome candidates for the Secretary, Treasurer, Media Coordinator, Website Coordinator, Promotional Designer, and Playgroup Coordinator positions. 

From September 2019, Emma will officially step down from the BAMBI Committee. Akiko will remain as Acting Chairwoman while recruitment continues for key committee roles and to allow handover to the future Chairwoman.

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