BAMBI News September 2018

View PDF Dearest Members,Welcome to September!!! I hope you had a fun and memorable holiday, and you and your little ones are now ready to go back to school!Both my boys are 120% ready to go back to school. Against their will, my boys went to a local public school in Japan for a whole month over the summer. As you can imagine, Japanese public schools tend to be rather strict. For the boys, who have been living in Thailand most of their lives, they found some rules pretty tough to follow. Also, their Japanese language was simply not good enough to let them follow all the classes at elementary school. Therefore, going to Japanese school wasn’t fun, but rather challenging for them.My older boy was born more resilient to change, but my younger one is very sensitive to the world around him and needs more support to manage. My younger one cried every morning for the first week, despite the fact that his teachers and his classmates were extremely kind to him and helped him all the time. He was just nervous and scared. He was scared of all new things: teacher, school, friends, environment. But these “new” worries didn’t last that long. Soon enough, he found familiar things, even if he didn’t fully understand the language. English class, math class, music class and PE class...he found that he knew more or could do the same as his classmates. So I encouraged him to re-direct attention away from the worries and towards the positives. He did it! No more tears! And he got 100 percent in his math test, hooray! Both my kids grew during the summer, mentally and physically, after experience something “new”! And now they are waiting for another “new” moment as they look forward to going back to school!I’d also like to share that BAMBI is opening “new” Playgroups; please check our posts on Facebook.Yours Sincerely,AkikoChairwoman View PDF