BAMBI News October 2018

View PDF Hello all,As we enter the final quarter of 2018, the theme of this month’s edition of BAMBI News is ‘mindfulness,’ a rather new-fangled concept in this new age of wellness and self-care. I must say, for me, it feels like one more thing to feel guilty about not fitting into my already packed day. Are we living mindfully, staying in ‘the moment’? Are we parenting mindfully, being fully present for our children? Are we eating mindfully, savoring every bite of the food we eat?  The list goes on and on and on! Many of us are getting through the majority of our day on autopilot, and some unfortunately to the soundtrack of Baby Shark! For me, the mindful moments when I tune in to my senses and tune out the noise of everyday life are rare but welcomed. I have learned to grab them when I can—like setting the alarm 20 minutes early to enjoy a quiet coffee before the usual morning rush. As the mother of a teenager, my demands for hands-on parenting is becoming less by the day it seems. I can remember however when my mindfulness was the rare occasion I got to pee without an audience, so for those of you at that stage, just know that this too shall pass and in a strange way you will miss it. EmmaBAMBI Vice-Chairwoman View PDF