BAMBI News November 2018

View PDF Hi all, Welcome to the November edition of BAMBI News. The theme of this month’s magazine is Thanksgiving. Whether that involves lots of turkey, yams and pumpkin pie (always a winner in my house!) or just a moment to take stock of all that has been achieved and experienced in the past year before the manic rush of the December holidays, it is worthwhile to reflect on the year passed in order to focus and set goals for the year ahead. At the helm of BAMBI, Akiko and I remain forever grateful for the help and support we receive from each and every one of our 70+ volunteers. As an organization, we have grown both in membership numbers and in the services we can provide to young families in Bangkok. This is due in no small part to the energy and enthusiasm of our committee of warm, talented people. On a personal note, I am grateful that my expat life here allows me the time to dedicate my skills and experience to the birthing community in Bangkok at BAMBI Bumps and Babies, making a difference, even in some small way. So, as you reflect on your gratitude list in this season of Thanksgiving, beyond the health and happiness of your family, consider also the opportunities you had to make a difference to the community or to use your skills for others. Connection and fulfillment really do feed the soul. I intend to draw up my list while enjoying a pumpkin spice latte. Happy November!EmmaBAMBI Vice Chairperson View PDF