BAMBI News May 2020

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Welcome to May, the month to celebrate family.

 Although Coronavirus has forced BAMBI to cancel all events, playgroups and activities, we are using this time to consider how we can better serve our members and the community at large. This has given us the time to donate to local charities, many of which are suffering at this difficult time and to reflect on how becoming volunteers for BAMBI has impacted us personally. I know for me being a volunteer for BAMBI has allowed me to build a wider, stronger community for my children and has given me access to endless support as I strive to do my best as a mother and a professional. Through organizing BAMBI’s activities for older children, I have been fortunate to give children access to a larger variety of activities. Through BAMBI my own children have gained friends, honed their skills, and broadened their interests. I am excited to expand BAMBI’s activities for children as soon as we can resume operations. 

 Coronavirus has been hard for all of us, but it has also given us the chance to spend more time with our families and to interact with our older children in new and exciting ways. I know while I struggle to find creative ways to keep my youngest one moving or my older one focused, I am learning to be a more innovative, involved parent. In celebration of this month’s focus on family, I want to appreciate the time I have gained with my children and offer BAMBI’s support through its website and Facebook group in the coming months for all members. We look forward to returning with all our events and activities when the time is right, and we hope you will consider joining our team of volunteers so that we can grow and improve as an organization. 

Ruby Washington
Activities Coordinator

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