BAMBI News March 2019

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Dear all,

It’s March already and we are almost a quarter way through this year. BAMBI’s committee is busy preparing for our Annual General Meeting, due to be held on 18th March at Novotel on Sukhumvit 20. All members are welcome along to help us vote in committee members for the coming year.

The theme of this month’s magazine is happiness, and I must confess as I struggle with powerpoint presentations and endless spreadsheets, I can’t help but think I will be happy when the AGM is done. It seems happiness is something we constantly seek, but all too often it is fleeting, or we live on the promise of happiness at some point in the future…like me when I’m done with my spreadsheets, or when I lose another 5kg! 

What I have come to realize however is that contentment is worth more to me than happiness. Contentment is an attitude, it’s not derived from anything external, no number on the scale or bargain in a sale can come close to feeling a deep sense of satisfaction with who and where you are. My recipe to contentment is one that many psychologists have identified. 

Time with family brings me joy, regular physical activity helps me manage stress, challenging myself to learn new things and use my brain also fulfills the contentment I once derived from my work as a midwife, and, finally, in my role at BAMBI, the service of a wider community provides a purpose to a greater good. 

As parents, we are used to being selfless and putting the needs of our kids first, but children learn from what they see, more than what they are told, so never miss the opportunity to show them how to choose contentment. 

Vice Chairwoman

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