BAMBI News June 2020

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Hello readers

Welcome to June. This is usually a busy month for most of us, whose children are finishing up their academic year. It’s also a month where most are making plans to keep the children busy during the long summer break when schools and regular playgroups are closed. Many of us are fortunate enough to be booking visits home or to holiday destinations. Such activities we can only dream for now. What used to be “routine” is now replaced by a new world full of uncertainties.

The past few months with the pandemic and border closures have highlighted the disadvantages of living away from family and close friends for many of us. Some of us are probably reassessing the choice of living abroad. 

BAMBI is also going through a time of uncertainty. Most of our activities are social interactions and support meetups. What has always worked for BAMBI the past few years may not as we are facing a new landscape.

We are also going through a time of internal change as many volunteers who have dedicated enormous amounts of their time and effort to make BAMBI what it is today are moving on. Most are due to relocations or because they have children that have outgrown BAMBI. 

BAMBI was founded in April 1982, and over the past 38 years it has evolved from a small group of mums to what it is today. All the different manifestations of BAMBI are a reflection of the work and ideals of all the volunteers. With the changes in volunteers, BAMBI will welcome a new wave of committee members with fresh ideas and BAMBI will once again adapt to a new “world.”

We hope by the time this issue is printed that BAMBI will be able to reopen some activities to support you, our members. Let’s look forward to meeting and interacting in the “new normal” at a BAMBI event very soon. 

 Warm wishes, 

Bao Minh Lam 
Media Coordinator

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