BAMBI News June 2018

View PDF Dear Members,It seems impossible that we are already halfway through this year, and yet here we are hurtling towards the school holidays and summer break. For many of us, this presents the opportunity to return to visit family or to explore new places. I find Bangkok easier to live in when I manage to escape the heat, humidity and rain for at least a few weeks each year.When I return to Ireland I am struck by just how different our lives are here compared to friends and family back home. The challenge of raising third culture kids is both a blessing and a worry. As I watch my pre-teen son hang out with his cousins (because duh! 12-year-olds DON’T play!!) I sometimes see him struggle to relate to them and their peers, and yet the opportunities and experiences he has in living abroad gives him a different perspective and is no doubt shaping him into a tolerant and kind global citizen … well, it will, once we get through the teenage hormone storm.   So whether you are travelling in the summer or hanging out in The Big Mango, I hope you have a great summer. Look out on Facebook and on our online calendar, as many of our BAMBI volunteers are also taking a break so our schedule will be reduced from mid-June to August.Emma McNerlinBAMBI Vice-Chairwoman View PDF