BAMBI News July/August 2019

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Dear BAMBI members 

Welcome to July, my favorite month of the year! 

Friendship is very precious and priceless. I love that its the theme for this month. My birthday is on 22 July which is right after the summer break starts in Japan. 

When I was younger I always had a hard time finding friends to invite to my birthday in the school holidays.

I used to be devastated about not celebrating my birthday with my friends especially as I’ve always LOVED planning and running parties and events.

Many years have passed but I still find that I have the very same problem for my birthdays but I am not as devastated as back then. It’s not because I’m older but because a very wise friend once said to me: 

“Why do you need a lot of friends at your party? Who are they? 

If your friends make you feel sad on your birthday and aren’t there for you, they are not your friends. 

Friends should double your joy and divide your grief. 

Friendship is not just about “giving and taking”. 

Her words have stayed in my mind for years and years. She is now my oldest and most respected friend and I know she will be there for me when I need her. 

She never judges but she gives me advice when I need it. She laughs with me and cries with me when I am sad. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful friend. I am hoping she feels the same. 

I hope that I am showing my own kids what friendships are truly about and that someday they will build beautiful friendships with their friends too.

Akiko Cayne


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