BAMBI News February 2019

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Welcome to February, the month of LOVE! 

As you may know, Valentine’s Day in Japan is the day when women give chocolates as gifts to men whom they like. This time of the year, all the department stores, supermarkets, and food stores are totally decorated in pink and red with displays of many different types of chocolate. It is a very commercial but I find it very cute. I remember that it was the most exciting day of my teenage life! My heart still starts beating fast when I hear “Valentine’s Day” hahaha. Maybe I should get some chocolate for the three boys at my house this year—yes, good idea!

Anyway, I was thinking about the definition of LOVE and how I learnt about LOVE. My father told me LOVE is trusting, my mother told me LOVE is watching over, and my grandmother told me LOVE is giving. 

Since both my parents were working while I was growing up, my grandmother actually brought me up. She taught me everything I needed to know. She was full of love. She was always content, always giving, and never expecting anything in return.

When I was 5 years old, my grandmother told me, “you are very lucky, you have everything. If there is someone who needs help, you should give a hand. If there is someone who needs something, you should give it if you have it. If there is someone not happy, you should make her/him happy. Be thankful with what you have and take care and LOVE people around you.” I still remember the moment very clearly, as she told me this at the funeral of my best friend’s father. I cried so much because I felt so sad knowing that I was not a giving person, I was very selfish then. I felt sorry for my friend as I was not able to make her smile. Definitely, this has influenced me in the way I deal with people. Whenever I want to do something selfish, I hear my grandmother whispering in my ear. Hahaha but it is true!!

My grandmother has passed away already but for me she was the person who taught me love and loved me the most when I was growing up. February 14th was her birthday. She was my St. Valentine.

Let’s get a box of chocolates, Happy Valentine’s Day to all! 



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