BAMBI News February 2018

View PDF  Dear Members,So, February is upon us—the season of love, which is the theme for this edition of BAMBI News. Forget the romantic fairy tales of princesses and prince charming, I think parenting is the ultimate hardcore lesson in love. As parents you may be at different stages in your journey: colic, teething, sleep regression, weaning, potty training, sibling rivalry, school projects (I’m an expert in papier-mâché) and, as I am now learning, middle school dramas of a pre-teen boy. You will love your little ones through all these glorious and horrific stages, though you may not like them all the time, and that’s ok. Most of us at some stage have stuck our head in the fridge and screamed when it all gets too much! My mother, formidable Irish mother of six, would often tell us as children, “you cannot pour from an empty jug”; meaning that it is important to take care of and love yourself. I think this may have been the 1970s’ version of ‘mindful parenting’. I too have tried to take her advice. It wasn’t easy in the early days, and it took real commitment to protect that time for myself and not feel guilty for sitting in a coffee shop reading a book while my husband took over at home, with varying degrees of success. That hour or two to myself, or occasional weekend away with my friends, were as vital as chocolate for getting me through the week. As I enter the dreaded teen years of parenting I find the demands on my time are different and the roles are now reversed, as my son wants a break from me! Despite this, I still don’t regret following my mother’s advice, as through me my son has also learned the importance of loving yourself first to lead a balanced life. Parenting is a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourselves and hopefully, we will all get our happily-ever-afters. Emma, Vice Chairwoman, BAMBI  View PDF