BAMBI News December 2020

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Dear BAMBI members,

I can't believe we are almost at the end of 2020! This year has shown us how life can change in an instant and how not to take things for granted. But hey, the holiday season is here! 

It’s my favorite time of the year, although on this occasion the celebrations will be quite different. In our case, we won’t be going back home as we cannot risk not being able to come back. At the beginning I was devastated. Not being able to see my family for more than a year made me wonder if the decision to live so far away from them was the right one. It made me think about the kind of relationship I want my kids to have with them. It’s already so hard to keep them involved in their grandparents' lives and let’s not forget about the lack of exposure to their mother tongue. 

However, I choose to see this year more as an opportunity than a threat. Yes, we will be celebrating differently, but it’s still a celebration, and we are so lucky to be here in Thailand during the pandemic. There are almost zero local cases, and we can travel around visiting chilly mountains and pristine beaches. We have the chance to know more about how our friends celebrate in their own countries as most of them will be here as well, and we will all be celebrating together. My kids are so excited to know that Santa Claus, Papa Noël, Weihnachtsmann, サンタクロース is bringing them toys at the same time as their friends!

BAMBI also went through a challenging situation this year. For a couple of months, we didn't have a Chairwoman to guide us through the COVID-19 situation, but after the first half of the year we were able to re-open our activities again following strict government measures. We would like to thank you all for your patience and support in adhering to these as we understand it’s not always easy to get the kids to wear a mask or pre-book a playgroup.

 Currently, we are running 26 playgroups, 15 activities for older kids, and at least one pop-up playgroup every month. Other events held over the year included the Yard Sale, Halloween, and by the time you are reading this, our own Christmas Wonderland. I hope you have all enjoyed these events and I look forward to seeing your continued participation and support in the coming year.

May your holidays be full of love, health, and happiness!

Gloria Pino

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