BAMBI News December 2018

View PDF Happy Holidays from all of us at BAMBI!December brings with it lower temperatures and fresher breezes a welcome break from Bangkok’s relentless humidity. Coupled with an abundance of Christmas cheer, this seems to conspire to lift the collective mood in the city. This month marks my family’s fourth year in Bangkok. When I first arrived from the leafy suburbs of England, I didn’t think I would last four weeks, let alone four years! As the year draws to a close I marvel at how far my family has come, and also how much our BAMBI family has grown in the past twelve months as well, as illustrated in our year-end reflection on page six. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support.Our international BAMBI community will mark the end of the year with many cultural and religious celebrations from all over the world, all of which have beautiful and unique significance. From Christmas, marking the birth of Christ for Christians, to Hanukkah the Jewish Festival of Lights, Kwanzaa the festival of celebration of African American Cultural Heritage and Omisoka the ancient Japanese New Year celebration, to name but a few. Whichever way you celebrate, this is a magical time of year for children and a time to celebrate and reconnect with family over glorious food and no doubt a fair amount of gift giving. On behalf of the BAMBI team, whether you are traveling or remaining in Bangkok, we would like to wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season. See you all again in 2019!Emma, BAMBI Vice Chairwoman  View PDF