BAMBI Magazine October 2021

Cover of BAMBI Magazine November 2021

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Dear BAMBI members, 

I can’t quite believe it’s already October. I’m hoping that kids will have returned to school by the time you read this, even if it’s a hybrid format. 

Right now, with schools closed, our kids eat at home more often, and I’m always struggling to decide what to feed them. At first, I wanted every meal to be balanced and nutrient-dense, and appeal to my children’s taste buds. But after almost 7 years of trying, I know that’s impossible to achieve! I just make sure at least one of their three meals is balanced and nutritious. Making this deal with myself has taken the pressure off preparing food for our family.

I’m very lucky my two kids eat almost anything. With my first child, I followed baby-led weaning guidelines to the letter, and I thought that was the reason she was so open to trying whatever I put on her plate. But with time, she has become less adventurous and doesn’t want to try new things. We’ve made a deal where she needs to try one bite of a new food. If she doesn’t like it, she doesn’t have to eat it—it’s a winner almost 70% of the time.

With my youngest child, we followed a mixed approach with him self-feeding sometimes and us feeding him pureed food at other times. He was happiest when we fed him, and until today, he prefers it over feeding himself. 

Ultimately, every baby is different, and something that worked for one will not work for the other, so always listen to your child and try different approaches until you find the best way for your family.

Just like our families at home, BAMBI also needs nurturing. Our volunteers are at the core of what we do and sustain us through the most challenging times. In these past months, many have left Bangkok. If you’d like to be part of our team and make a difference in the community, please read the ‘Call for Volunteers’ section. You’ll find a variety of roles that will engage, challenge, and inspire you, and you’ll be helping BAMBI to continue offering support to families like yours in Bangkok. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Gloria Pino


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