BAMBI Magazine July/August 2022

Dear members,

We are officially halfway through 2022 and time seems to be flying. Do you remember those goals you set last year or the New Year’s resolutions you were determined to keep all year long? Now is a great time to reflect on the past six months and see where you have succeeded and where you have to work a little harder.

As a mother, I always remind my kids that having siblings is a precious thing, and teach them that love isn’t material things, but how a person shows up for you. To me, and what I want them to know, is that a 'hero' is someone who shows up. My older one is an inspiration to my younger one and even though they have disagreements, they are always there for each other.

In April, sadly we decided to say goodbye to the Monday Novotel playgroup and Dance and Nature activities for older kids due to low attendance. It was a hard decision to make because we have had a long history with their venues and teachers. However, in May we opened Montessori and Saturday Yenakart playgroups which have been very popular. 

I hope you have a great summer whether you are traveling or staying in Thailand. Look out on our website calendar as many of our BAMBI volunteers are also taking a break so our schedule will be reduced from mid June to August. If you have some free time and passion to spare, we are always looking for more volunteers to run the BAMBI community. Please reach out to us if you are interested. 


BAMBI Executive Board