BAMBI Magazine January 2022

Cover of BAMBI Magazine January 2022 issue

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Dear members, 

Welcome to 2022! I hope you all had a lovely break with your families.

In this issue we explore the theme of new beginnings. Truthfully, I was happy to say goodbye to 2021. Having gone through my second pregnancy in strict lockdown, I have to say it was very isolating and it was a shame to miss out on all the prenatal fun BAMBI and Bangkok have to offer, so I’m definitely looking forward to a fresh start this year.

In December we were able to hold an in-person committee meeting after several months. A few of the committee have welcomed new babies to the world, and it was so wonderful to catch up on our journeys and all that has happened over the past nine months.

The new year will see BAMBI reopening in late January if COVID-19 restrictions allow it, fingers and toes crossed. As we plan to reopen, we are grateful for your patience as we navigate the ‘new normal’ for BAMBI.

We are hoping to bring you—our members—new venues, new playgroups, and new activities. The team is also working on exciting new changes that will be rolled out in 2022. 

As always, we cannot offer all our amazing services and ideas without volunteers, so if you would like to help out, even if it’s just for two hours a week, please reach out to us. Every one of our volunteers and the time they dedicate to us helps to keep BAMBI operating. 

Wishing you all a fabulous year ahead!


Vice Chairwoman

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