BAMBI Magazine January 2021

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Dear Members,

Welcome to the January edition and a very Happy New Year to you all.

I hope you were able to enjoy some much needed downtime with your loved ones and reflect on the year that was!

I must say I did enjoy the time spent in Bangkok over Christmas and New Year with my daughter and husband. Although it was not the usual long haul travel back home we are grateful to be happy and healthy. 

We also celebrated our daughter’s first birthday during the festive season. How quickly does it go! Over the break, I was able to reflect on the challenges I faced and overcame as a FTM (first-time mum) in a new city! 

I’m heading into 2021 feeling a lot more relaxed and am feeling more settled into my new role of motherhood.

I am also grateful to have formed more friendships through BAMBI. 

As we head into the new year the team and I are looking forward to continuing to achieve our goals. 

Soon we will be holding our call for volunteer information morning. So if you have ever thought about, or are interested in a role this would be a great opportunity to come along.

May this year bring you new happiness, new goals & new achievements. 

Wishing you a year fully loaded with happiness.

Terryn Schlenther


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