BAMBI Magazine February 2021

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Dear BAMBI members, 

Who would have thought we were going to start 2021 like this. It’s definitely not the way we wanted, but we had been really lucky compared to other countries, and I personally think we still are. We had the great opportunity to enjoy some family time during the holidays and experience Christmas and New Year Celebrations, some of us at beautiful and pristine beach locations.

As online learning starts, one part of me is in complete denial and refuses to even open “Seesaw”, while the other part is panicking because we are not well organised yet. But one thing I’ve learned from the last lockdown is that I need to have daily “me-time” even if it’s only 15 minutes per day. On tough days like today, it’s almost mandatory. My break normally consists of laying on the bed and closing my eyes while my kids have screen time.

Today, I was emotionally drained from following two different learning programs and having a small kid that cannot comprehend why he cannot go to school. It just sucks all my energy.  Surprisingly, I had the most amazing 7-minute power nap and after that, I was ready for any challenge. 

It wasn’t easy to make this decision of having “me-time”. At first, I felt I wasn’t supporting my kids enough on their learning journey, that I wasn’t being a good mum because I couldn’t cook three delicious meals each day, and I wasn’t there every single second when they most needed me. So much guilt every day -- but let’s not forget that we are one of the most important pillars of our families and if we break, everything will fall. It’s also crucial to teach our kids that self-care is fundamental if we want to have a balanced life.

I’m hoping that by the time you are reading this life would go back to being as normal as it can be. Stay healthy and mentally strong! 

Gloria Pino


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