BAMBI Magazine April 2021

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Dear BAMBI members, 

This month's theme is one of my favorites: Nature! 

Whilst I consider myself a “city rat” I often find myself craving contact with nature. It fills my soul and it might sound unbelievable but every time I go to the mountains, especially if there’s a river I automatically feel more relaxed, full of energy, and happy. On reflection, I think it is because it brings me back to my childhood where we used to embark on long road trips through the mountains in Mexico and we would always stop to have a swim in the river. I treasure those moments.

Back to the present,  I’m always struggling to find options near Bangkok to take my kids, it is great to see details in this month’s edition of so many fun nature activities and adventures for families.

Our full schedule of activities and meet-ups is back online, but unfortunately, we still need to follow the government and venue restrictions regarding capacity. We appreciate it can be frustrating to miss out and we are trying to open more playgroups and activities for you to have more options. We would also like to ask you if your plans change, help us to give more people a chance to join, and cancel your booking if you can no longer attend a BAMBI activity you registered for.

Gloria Pino


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